How the SLAM Method Can Save Your Organization From Enormous HIPAA Costs

In this blog post, we will provide an overview of the SLAM method. SLAM method stands for: Sender, Links, Attachments, and Message. By addressing key aspects of all electronic communication, the SLAM acronym can greatly enhance an organization's security posture and compliance efforts.


The SLAM method is a low-cost and common sense approach to preventing phishing attacks, which can ultimately help maintain HIPAA compliance. HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, plays a crucial role in healthcare organizations by establishing industry-wide standards for safeguarding sensitive patient information. Keeping healthcare data secure is important. The SLAM method can help prevent expensive HIPAA data breaches (see the 10 Worst HIPAA Violations in History).

Non-compliance with HIPAA can lead to severe consequences for healthcare organizations, including hefty fines, reputational damage, and potential legal action. As a result, it is imperative for organizations to invest in strategies that help maintain compliance and protect sensitive information.

In this blog post, we will provide an overview of the SLAM method. SLAM method stands for: Sender, Links, Attachments, and Message. By addressing key aspects of all electronic communication, the SLAM acronym can greatly enhance an organization's security posture and compliance efforts. Learn about our other keys to success for HIPAA compliance here.

The SLAM method comprises four key components that staff must scrutinize in every electronic communication:

  • Sender: Authenticating the identity of the sender to avoid phishing attacks and unauthorized access to sensitive information.
  • Links: Assessing the safety of hyperlinks embedded in electronic communications to prevent exposure to malicious websites or malware.
  • Attachments: Ensuring the security and compliance of email attachments and messages, thereby avoiding potential data breaches or infections.
  • Message: Evaluating the quality and consistency of communications to identify signs of forgery or misrepresentation.

The Importance of Implementing the SLAM Method in Healthcare Organizations

Cybercriminals often target healthcare organizations because patient data is valuable and sensitive. Implementing the SLAM method can significantly reduce the risk of cyberattacks, data breaches, and HIPAA violations. In an organization where all employees understand the SLAM method meaning, it is easier to assess and protect electronic communications. Making it a valuable tool in your compliance quiver.

Sender: Identifying and Verifying the Authenticity of Email Senders

Phishing attacks and impersonation attempts are common threats in electronic communications. Cybercriminals often pose as legitimate senders to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information or trick employees into actions that compromise security. Verifying the sender's identity helps healthcare organizations lower the risk of attacks, safeguard data, and follow HIPAA rules.

Practical Tips for Employees to Authenticate the Sender's Identity

Employees can take several steps to authenticate the sender's identity in electronic communications:

  • Check the sender's email address: look for signs of spoofing or typos, as they may be trying to trick you.
  • Check for inconsistency: If the email seems strange or has odd requests, it might be someone pretending to be the sender.
  • Contact the sender: If you are unsure, contact the sender using a different method such as a phone call or message. Reach out to them to confirm if the email is genuine.
  • Report suspicious emails: Encourage employees to report any suspicious emails to their IT department or designated security personnel for further investigation.

Clicking on malicious links can have severe consequences for healthcare organizations, including:

  • Malware infections: Malicious links can lead to the installation of malware on devices, compromising the security of sensitive data.
  • Data breaches: Cybercriminals often use phishing links to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, resulting in data breaches and HIPAA violations.
  • Ransomware attacks: Bad links can start ransomware attacks, where important data is locked until money is given.

To mitigate the risks associated with hyperlinks, follow these best practices:

  • Hover over links: Hovering the cursor over a link without clicking reveals the destination URL, helping to identify potentially malicious websites.
  • Verify the URL: Check for misspellings, unusual characters, or inconsistencies in the URL to identify fraudulent websites.
  • Use a link scanner: Employ a reputable link scanner to analyze and verify the safety of links before clicking.
  • Adopt a "zero-click" policy: Encourage employees to avoid clicking on links in unsolicited emails, opting instead to navigate to websites directly.

Attachments: Ensuring the Security of Electronic Files

To ensure the security and compliance of attachments, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Antivirus software: Use robust antivirus software to scan attachments for malware before downloading or opening.
  • File type restrictions: Limit the types of files that can be received and sent via email to reduce the risk of malicious attachments.

Message: Closely Evaluating the Content of Communications

The m in the SLAM method stands for messages. Messages containing typos, grammar errors, or strange wording can be red flags, indicating that the communication may not be authentic. Identifying these oddities is essential for mitigating potential risks. Examples of such oddities include:

  • Misspellings or typos: Unusual spelling mistakes or typos may suggest the message is not from a legitimate source.
  • Grammar errors: Incorrect grammar can be a sign of a phishing attempt or impersonation.
  • Strange wording: Unusual language or phrasing can indicate that the message is not genuine.

Implementing the SLAM Method in Your Organization

Implementing the SLAM method involves several steps:

  • Create a plan: Create a detailed plan to include the SLAM method in your organization's security and compliance training and reference materials.
  • Update policies and procedures: Revise your organization's policies and procedures to reflect the SLAM method and its components.
  • Invest in technology: Use email authentication, secure email gateways, and content inspection tools to support the SLAM method.
  • Train staff: Educate employees on the SLAM method and its importance in maintaining HIPAA compliance.


In summary, the SLAM method offers a systematic approach to enhancing the security and compliance of electronic communications in healthcare organizations. The SLAM method reduces the risk of data breaches and HIPAA violations. Implementing this method can save organizations from enormous costs associated with non-compliance and protect sensitive patient information.

We encourage healthcare organizations to adopt the SLAM method and prioritize HIPAA compliance in their daily operations. Organizations can protect their reputation, keep patient data safe, and maintain trust with patients and stakeholders by doing this. Our mission at TeachMeHIPAA is to provide expert advice and insights on HIPAA compliance, and we believe the SLAM method is a valuable tool for achieving compliance success. Consider exploring our range of resources and solutions to help your organization navigate the complexities of HIPAA regulations.

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